Public indoor spaces require a degree of air purification that can’t be captured by the residential units often used in homes. Schools, gyms, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and other huge indoor spaces rely on commercial air purification systems to remove pollutants. Viruses, bacteria, dust, allergens, and bacteria thrive in these spaces, and without proper ventilation and purification strategies in place, visitors may find themselves suffering negative health effects. That’s especially true for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like cigarette smoke and traffic exhaust.

A quality commercial air purifier benefits both employees and the general public. Occupants may not immediately notice the presence of such equipment but may certainly feel the impact of its absence. An efficient system ensures a better environment for all, which is why so many businesses have come to rely on them through the years.

Benefits of a Commercial Air Purification System

Commercial air purification systems come with a number of benefits. For starters, they neutralize many of the most harmful kinds of chemicals. While it’s easy to assume that harmful chemicals are only found in manufacturing facilities and production plants, even the most innocuous of chemicals can pollute the air. An air purifier helps to neutralize these chemicals, keeping them out of the indoor air we breathe throughout the day.

Commercial air purification can also help keep odor at bay. Even the most delightful smells of flowers, fresh baked goods, and perfumes can become overwhelming over time. Other less pleasant smells from production and cleaning equipment can also permeate the air. With a commercial air purifier in place, you can eliminate these scents and keep your commercial space smelling fresh.

Clean, fresh air helps to reduce the risk of airborne diseases, too. As we’ve seen in recent years, airborne droplets can spread disease fast. By killing airborne pathogens, a commercial air purification system helps reduce the odds of breathing in germs and getting sick.

Air purifiers are also great at reducing airborne particles like dust. This means less vacuuming and dusting for your cleaning staff. This helps reduce wear and tear on your HVAC system since it won’t need to work as hard to push out cool air.

Types of Commercial Air Purification Services

There are several commercial air purification strategies you can employ to keep your commercial space fresh. Many HVAC systems now feature air filtration capabilities. These systems rely on powerful fans to circulate the air in the building through a large filter. The filters help trap particles of contaminated air pollutants and prevent them from being inhaled by people in the building, protecting the health of everyone inside.

Portable air purifiers perform similarly. They rely on fans to suck air in and filter out contaminants. While portable versions are good for small spaces, they’re not always appropriate for commercial buildings. If you’re hoping to maintain clean air throughout your entire building, an HVAC system that includes an air purifying filter is your best bet. Either option will require regular servicing and maintenance.

Trusted Commercial Air Purification Contractor Near You

Have questions about which kind of air purifier is right for your commercial space? Talk to the professional air purification experts at Aire Serv. Many of the best air purifiers require professional wiring and installation. Others may be simpler to install, but the convenience comes at a price — they’re often much less effective.

Given how important it is to choose the right brand and type of air purifier for your business, it’s best to talk to a technician before making a final decision. Our pors can help review your options and give you expert advice on which system is right for your commercial space.

Contact Us For a Free Estimate

In need of HVAC repairs or considering investing in a commercial air purification service? Count on the technicians at Aire Serv to point you in the right direction. Our professionals have decades of experience under their collective belts and stand behind all work with a full satisfaction guarantee. Contact us for a free estimate today!

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