Expert Heating Services Near You

Is your heater prepared to keep you warm during the upcoming fall and winter seasons? As your heating system ages, general wear and tear can cause it to stop working efficiently. In more extreme cases, older heating systems can suddenly stop working entirely. If you're in need of heater repair service in Wooster, Orrville, Doylestown, Dalton, or other nearby areas, trust our team at Aire Serv of Wooster to get the job done properly. We also provide heater maintenance services to ensure that your system is in good working shape prior to the colder seasons. We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of quality and service whenever we're called to the job.

Homeowner controlling the heating system on thermostat

Call Aire Serv of Wooster or contact us online for reliable, accessible heater repair near you.

Four large outdoor HVAC units on individual concrete pads.

Common Reasons for Emergency Heater Repair

If you are experiencing any of these situations, contact Aire Serv of Wooster right away. Our team of heating technicians can provide emergency furnace repair around the clock.

  • The furnace will not start.
  • Your pilot light has stopped working.
  • The furnace makes unusual sounds while starting or operating.
  • The main burner keeps going out after a few seconds.
  • The blower won’t turn on after the burner lights.
  • The blower never turns off.

Reasons Your Heater Quit Working Properly

Our heating system experts are highly trained on all types of heaters, furnaces, boilers, and other indoor comfort equipment. No matter the brand or model, we can troubleshoot the problem, diagnose the issue, and deliver effective solutions.

Some of the most common reasons we see for heater failure include:

  • The furnace is not receiving power: If the fan doesn’t respond to the thermostat’s temperature, you may have a tripped breaker, loose wiring, or a furnace switch in the “off” position.
  • Failing motor: Motors that are about to fail will often make squeaks, squeals, and other strange noises.
  • No ignition: Spark ignitions will click quickly in succession when they are unable to ignite. Clogged flues, improper limit controls, or faulty control boards can cause spark ignitions to fail.
  • Main burner problems: Dirty sensors, clogged condensate drains, or a cut off gas supply could cause burners to fail to light or go out intermittently.
  • Run capacitor or motor problems: Issues with these parts will cause the blower to never turn on.
  • Clogged air filter: When an air filter clogs, it can lead to a damaged limit switch. This piece senses the furnace temperature, so when it breaks, the blower is “told” to blow constantly.

Thorough Heating System Repair, Guaranteed

Technician completing heater repair services

Aire Serv of Wooster, we can tackle your heating system repair no matter how large or small the issue happens to be. When you work with us, we'll take the time to answer any questions you have and explain our methodology for addressing your heating system issue. Because we understand how much you rely on your heating system, we'll be certain to take a thorough approach when handling your repair job.

Request an appointment today for Wooster heater repair online or by phone!

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