Eight Crystal River Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

A man, woman, and child sit on a couch and enjoy cool air from their air conditioner. | Aire Serv of Citrus County

Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Smoothly All Summer Long

Crystal River is no stranger to hot and humid weather during the summer months. With temperatures often reaching near 90 degrees Fahrenheit and frequently high humidity levels, it can be nearly impossible to stay comfortable in your home without a properly functioning air conditioner. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your AC running smoothly all summer long.

At Aire Serv of Citrus County, we have years of experience in air conditioner maintenance and repair. Our team of certified professionals are knowledgeable in all makes and models of AC systems, ensuring that they can provide you with the best advice and service for your specific system.

With these eight air conditioning maintenance tips, you can keep your home's cooling systems running smoothly and stay comfortable all summer long.

1. Change Your Air Filters Regularly

In order to keep your AC system running efficiently, it’s important to regularly change the filters in your unit. Aim to replace them at least once every one or two months during the summer when they are more likely to become clogged or dirty.

2. Keep Coils Clean

The evaporator and condenser coils play an important role in keeping your air conditioner working properly by absorbing and releasing heat from the air inside of your home. To ensure that these coils are clean, use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery brush attachment every few months to clear away dust and debris.

3. Check for Leaks

Another key part of keeping your AC system running smoothly is checking for leaks around the outside of your unit on a regular basis as water damage can lead to costly repairs down the line if left unchecked. Be sure to check all hoses, pipes, and other components frequently for any signs of leakage or rusting and have them replaced as needed before more serious damage occurs.

4. Clean Vents and Ducts

Dirty or clogged vents and ducts can cause your AC system to work overtime which leads to increased energy costs and inefficient cooling. Be sure to clean your air vents regularly with a vacuum or soft cloth to remove any dust buildup that could hinder optimal performance.

5. Use Your Thermostat Wisely

To maximize the efficiency of your air conditioner, you should be smart about the way you set your thermostat. For example, there’s no reason to keep your home cool while you’re away at work, so bump the temperature up a few degrees before you leave in the morning to save energy and money. Programmable thermostats allow you to input a schedule, so your thermostat will automatically change the temperature in your home based on the day of the week and time of day.

6. Clean Your Outdoor Condenser Unit

Shrubbery, branches, leaves, and other debris can block air flow to the outdoor condenser unit so it’s important to keep the area around it free from obstructions. Keep bushes and trees trimmed at least two feet back from the unit to allow for adequate airflow.

7. Invest in Home Insulation

If you have an older home that may not be properly insulated, it can lead to increased energy costs as your air conditioner will work harder than normal in order to maintain a comfortable temperature. Investing in insulation is a great way to reduce this strain on the system and save money long-term.

8. Schedule Professional Maintenance

To ensure that your air conditioner is running as smoothly as possible, it’s important to have a professional technician inspect your air conditioner at least once a year. They will conduct more in-depth maintenance tasks such as testing your ducts for leaks, calibrating your thermostat, oiling motors, and checking belts for wear.

Trust Our Team for Crystal River Air Conditioner Maintenance and Repair

At Citrus County, we understand the importance of efficient and well-maintained air conditioning systems in the Crystal River area. Our team of certified professionals are equipped with the knowledge and experience to provide you with exceptional AC maintenance services. From regular inspections and tune-ups to more complex repairs, our technicians have the skills to ensure that your system is running smoothly all summer long.

Our technicians are knowledgeable in all makes and models of AC systems so you can rest assured that your system will be in good hands. We also offer 24/7 emergency repair services, so you’re never left without a working air conditioner when you need it the most. With our experience in Crystal River air conditioner repair and maintenance, you can trust us to keep your home comfortable during those hot summer days.

Contact us online or call today to learn more about our air conditioning maintenance services!