Your Thermostat Upgrade Questions Answered

Shivering homeowner looking at broken thermostat | Aire Serv of Springfield, IL

Are you tired of high energy bills and inconsistent temperature control in your home? Upgrading your thermostat may be the solution you've been looking for. If you're wondering whether you need a new thermostat in your house, the answer is likely yes. Old, outdated thermostats can cause issues with temperature control, energy efficiency, and overall comfort in your home. But what thermostat options are out there? And does a new thermostat really make a difference?

The team at Aire Serv of Springfield, IL, can help answer these common questions and provide clear explanations to help you understand the importance of keeping your thermostat up to date. Whether you're considering a smart thermostat or a programmable thermostat, we'll provide the information you need to make an informed decision for your home.

Do I Need a New Thermostat In My House?

A thermostat is a device that controls the temperature of your HVAC system by turning it on and off as needed to maintain the desired temperature. It works by sensing the temperature in your home and comparing it to the temperature setting you've chosen.

There are several signs that you may need a new thermostat in your house. One of the most common signs is inconsistent temperature control. If you find that certain rooms in your home are always too hot or too cold, even though the thermostat is set to the same temperature, this could be a sign that your thermostat is malfunctioning.

Other signs you may need a new thermostat include the following:

  • Constantly Cycling HVAC: If your HVAC system runs continuously, even when it doesn't need to be, you may need a thermostat upgrade. This can cause high energy bills and put unnecessary wear and tear on your system.
  • Old Age: Thermostats can become outdated and less efficient over time. If your thermostat is over 10 years old, it may be time for a replacement.
  • Electrical Issues: Electrical issues can cause a thermostat to malfunction. If you notice any buzzing, humming, or other unusual sounds coming from your thermostat or HVAC system, it may indicate an electrical problem.
  • Sensor Problems: The sensor in a thermostat can become damaged or dirty over time, causing inaccurate temperature readings and incorrect HVAC system operation.
  • Renovations or Home Additions: If you've added a new room to your home or renovated an existing one, you may need a new thermostat to ensure proper temperature control throughout your home.

You may need to upgrade or replace your thermostat for several reasons. You might be dealing with a faulty sensor, electrical issues, or simply old age. Regardless of the reason, it's important to address the issue promptly to avoid further damage to your HVAC system.

What Thermostat Options Are Available?

When it comes to choosing a new thermostat, several options are available on the market, each with its own features and benefits.

Some of the most popular types of thermostats include:

  • Programmable Thermostats: These products allow you to set different temperature settings for different times of the day or week, helping you save money on energy bills.
  • Smart Thermostats: Smart thermostats are connected to Wi-Fi and can be controlled remotely using a smartphone app. They also learn and adapt to your temperature preferences over time, further maximizing energy efficiency.
  • Manual Thermostats: These are the simplest type of thermostat, with a manual dial or lever to adjust the temperature.

Each type of thermostat has pros and cons, so it's important to consider your needs, budget, and preferences before deciding. A smart thermostat may be the best option if you're looking for maximum energy savings and convenience. However, a manual thermostat may be sufficient if you prefer a simple and affordable option.

Consult an HVAC professional in Springfield to learn more about viable products to help keep your home comfortable year-round.

Does a New Thermostat Make a Difference?

Yes, a new thermostat can significantly affect your home’s comfort and energy bills. Updating a thermostat can help ensure consistent temperature control throughout your home, avoiding hot or cold spots. It can also optimize the performance of your HVAC system by ensuring it only runs when necessary, leading to lower energy bills.

Moreover, if you upgrade to a programmable or smart thermostat, you can set temperature schedules that are customized to your lifestyle, further maximizing energy efficiency and cost savings. Investing in a new thermostat is a smart decision to improve your home's comfort level and save you money over time.

Can I Replace My Own Thermostat?

While you can replace your own thermostat, it is typically not recommended. Replacing a thermostat involves working with electrical wires and connections, which can be dangerous if done incorrectly. If you're unfamiliar with HVAC systems or electrical work, attempting to replace your thermostat could lead to serious injury or damage to your entire system.

It is always recommended to have a licensed HVAC professional install or replace your thermostat. Our team at Aire Serv of Springfield, IL, has the knowledge and experience to ensure the job is done safely and correctly.

Additionally, some thermostats require specific wiring or programming that may be beyond the scope of a typical homeowner. Our Springfield HVAC service technicians can provide guidance on the best thermostat options for your home and ensure that it is installed and functioning properly. Ultimately, the safety and longevity of your HVAC system are worth the investment in a qualified professional.

For more information or questions regarding thermostat upgrades, contact us today!