Why Is My House So Dusty? 5 Things to Look For

With spring cleaning efforts starting, homeowners in Kalamazoo are asking themselves, ‘Why is my house so dusty?’ If you’ve encountered a layer of dust during your cleaning, it may be an indication that your home’s HVAC system is struggling to trap and remove dust. And, when you’re not properly removing dust, your home’s indoor air quality suffers.

The National Center for Healthy Housing recognizes that dust can cause respiratory problems, asthma, allergic reactions, and even lead poisoning. If anyone in your home has a history of respiratory problems, excessive dust can make them worse, leading to discomfort or worsening symptoms.

So, what are some causes of excessive dust accumulation? What should homeowners look out for? And, more importantly, what can be done about it? Let’s find out!

You need to replace your HVAC system’s filter

Your HVAC system’s filter is your home’s first line of defense against dust. Designed to capture dust and remove it from circulation, they can help improve indoor air quality by reducing the amount of dust in the air. But, if you haven’t checked your furnace filter in a while, it could have trouble doing it’s job.

At Aire Serv, we recommend that you inspect your air filter once per month to ensure that it’s not clogged. At a minimum, you’ll want to change it every three months. If you suffer from asthma or allergies, you can also experiment with different filters, including those with higher MERV ratings, to eliminate even more dust.

Leaky ductwork could be why your house is so dusty

An extremely common cause of excessive dust is leaky ductwork. As your home’s ductwork ages, it can develop cracks, gaps, and holes that allow dust to enter ducts past your HVAC system’s filter. As a result, the dust flows freely out of your vents and into your home.

If you’re concerned about the age of your ductwork, you can check around your vents. If you notice dust has accumulated on or around them, you may want to reach out to a professional for duct repair and cleaning. But, if you’re able to perform your own inspection, you may be able to administer temporary patches using duct tape.

There are cracks or gaps around your windows

One of the easiest ways for dust to enter your home is through its windows. It’s also one of the most common answers to, ‘Why is my house so dusty?’ Small cracks or gaps around windows can allow particles to enter your home and collect on sills, curtains, and furniture.

If you’ve noticed dust collecting primarily around your windows, you may want to look into refreshing their caulk. Fewer gaps and a tighter fit can prevent dust from entering, which will cut down on the amount of dust circulating in your home.

Why is your house so dusty? It could be too dry

You’ve probably noticed that your home is far dustier in the winter. Because the air is much drier in colder seasons, dust moves more freely. Wet, humid air increases dust’s weight and causes it to settle – and stick – much faster. For this reason, your furnace filter traps much more dust in warmer seasons.

If you’ve noticed that dust is mostly a problem in the winter, you might want to buy a whole house humidifier. A humidifier can put more moisture into the air, which can help your HVAC system filter out dust.

Outdoor dirt is being dragged into your home

If you have pets or children in your home, you probably already know that they love to bring dirt into your house. And, while there’s not much you can do about that, you can take steps to mitigate it and – more importantly – remove it once it’s inside.

According to the Carpet and Rug Institute, carpet acts as an air filter in your home by trapping dust, pollen, and other particles. But, if you’re not vacuuming regularly, this dirt is accumulating and contributing to dust buildup in your home. Try creating rules that shoes must be removed when entering your home and that carpeted areas must be vacuumed once per week.

Why is my house so dusty? Ask the experts!

At Aire Serv of Kalamazoo, customers come to us regularly asking, ‘Why is my house so dusty?’ With a full team of experts, we’re able to quickly diagnose – and repair – a wide range of issues that could lead to excessive dust buildup.

So, if you’re concerned about the well-being of your HVAC system or you want to reduce the amount of dust in your home, we encourage you to reach out to us today to schedule a visit!