How to Tell When It’s Time to Get Your Furnace Repaired

A man wearing a wool beanie and wrapped in a blanket sitting on a couch in a living room

Everything You Need to Know About Furnace Repair and Maintenance to Prevent a Complete System Shutdown

As winter comfortably settles in Wilmington, you probably find yourself using your furnace more, and you may be wondering if it’s time to get it repaired by an HVAC professional. Here are a few signs that it may be time for furnace repair:

  • Your furnace is over fifteen years old.
  • You have to keep adjusting the thermostat to stay comfortable.
  • Your energy bills have been increasing even though you haven’t used your furnace any differently.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to call one of our HVAC professionals serving Claymont, Hockessin, Montchanin, Rockland, and Yorkland to take a look at your furnace and ensure everything is running smoothly. By doing this, you can avoid any potential issues that could arise from not having your furnace serviced.

Learn more about several simple things you can do to ensure you have a furnace that operates at optimal conditions for years.

Check Your Furnace Filter Monthly and Replace It As Needed

If you’re a home and/or business owner in Wilmington, keeping your furnace filters clean and free from debris is vital. This improves air quality and, most importantly, keeps the system running efficiently.

Follow the following filter change schedule depending on the type of furnace filter you have:

  • One- to two-inch filters should be replaced every 2 to 3 months
  • Three- to four-inch filters need to be replaced every 6 to 9 months
  • Five- to six-inch filters can be replaced after 9 to 12 months

The frequency of furnace filter replacement will vary depending on how dirty your filters become over a few months. This is why you should be checking the filter monthly, and replacing it as needed will prevent major issues down the road, such as replacing the entire system due to component damage.

Keeping up with routine maintenance on HVAC systems and furnace filters can greatly extend the life of your equipment while preventing costly repairs in the long run.

Look for Furnace Cracks or Leaks and Any Exposed Ductwork

Checking for cracks and leaks in the furnace and ductwork cleaning should be a regular part of your home maintenance routine. Taking care of your heating system is essential, as any malfunction or damage can lead to air loss, which has serious implications for your home’s energy efficiency and indoor air quality.

A quick visual inspection will help you detect any possible issues before they become more costly problems down the line. In addition, it’s important to check the condition of the entire system; look for signs of rust or other corrosion that might point to poor ventilation and may be caused by improper installation or inadequate maintenance. Be sure to address any irregularities immediately and seek out Aire Serv of Wilmington professionals when necessary.

Listen for Strange Noises Coming from the Furnace

Keeping your furnace well-maintained is critical to ensure it runs smoothly and efficiently during fridge winters in Harris. A good way to do this is by listening for strange noises coming from the furnace that could indicate an issue or require immediate attention.

The following sounds can tell you various things about your furnace:

  • Banging – Banging noises are typically the result of the ductwork’s metal sheets cooling and contracting. Changing your filter can assist with this.
  • Popping – Hearing popping sounds from your furnace also indicates the metal sheets are expanding and contracting. Regular maintenance and ductwork inspections can help eliminate this problem.
  • Humming – A soft or dull hum while your furnace is on, is completely normal. However, a loud humming or buzzing could be caused by an electrical issue that needs to be addressed immediately.

If you notice any of these sounds, contact a certified HVAC technician in Harris to come and have a look at the system. Small problems can quickly become big repairs if not assessed and addressed promptly, so don’t ignore warning signs like abnormal noises from your furnace.

Note Any Changes in Your Furnace’s Performance

If your furnace has been running less efficiently or has begun to make strange noises, you may have noticed a shift in its performance. It is important to take note of any changes like these and address them quickly. Otherwise, the problem could worsen over time, leading to more costly repairs or an eventual replacement. Taking the time to monitor and repair any issues can help maintain a fully functioning system that runs properly and keeps your home safely heated.

If You Have an Older Furnace, Keep an Eye on Your Energy Bills

An older furnace (15 years or older) can be a serious drain on your energy bills, as older models are not as efficient as newer, more energy-saving models. That being said, if you have an older furnace, it is important to monitor your energy bill to monitor any unusually large increases in energy consumption.

Your energy bills will provide a good indication of when it might be time to replace or upgrade your existing system. When the cost of running your furnace begins to outweigh the cost of replacing or upgrading it, you can begin looking into your options for finding a new system that fits your budget. Taking these steps now can save you money by helping to ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck regarding home heating costs.

Aire Serv of Wilmington Can Help with Long-Term Furnace Maintenance

These are just a few things you can do to help maintain your furnace and extend its lifespan. However, it’s important to remember that furnaces are complex machines that require regular maintenance from trained professionals. If you’re not comfortable performing these tasks yourself, or if you notice any of the problems mentioned above, be sure to contact one of our qualified HVAC technicians serving Claymont, Hockessin, Montchanin, Rockland, and Yorkland.

Aire Serv of Wilmington offers affordable and detailed HVAC services that keep your furnace operating efficiently. Call us today to request service.