What Is Pre-Season HVAC Tune-Up & Why Do I Need It?

Smiling HVAC Service Professionals | Aire Serv of Wilmington

That seasonal rite of passage is about to commence: adjusting the thermostat from heat to cool as Wilmington summer weather rolls in. But before you start enjoying the change in your indoor temperature, you should have your heating and cooling system checked to ensure it functions efficiently. That means it’s time for a pre-season HVAC tune-up.

You may be wondering, “What is a pre-season HVAC tune-up?” Like other vital systems in your home, your heating and cooling system needs to be assessed before the season changes. This can help you avoid costly and inconvenient emergency repair services.

What Does Pre-Season HVAC Maintenance Include?

Heating and cooling system issues can come out of nowhere, leaving you to brave extreme temperatures alone. You can anticipate potentially expensive and devastating system failures when you allow a Wilmington HVAC service pro to perform pre-season maintenance. Typically, pre-season maintenance services for an air conditioner and furnace include the following.

Air Conditioner Pre-Season Maintenance Checklist

Did you know that an efficiently operating air conditioner can increase energy savings by up to 50%? As a result, air conditioner maintenance helps keep money in your pocket. Professional pre-season HVAC maintenance involves some of the tasks below.

Cleaning Evaporator and Condenser Coils

AC evaporator coils are in charge of absorbing heat inside your home. It works in tandem with a condenser coil to exchange heat appropriately and produce cool air. We check and clean any dust, dirt, or debris from these components to ensure they absorb heat efficiently.

Checking Refrigerant Solution Levels

Without refrigerant, you won’t be able to get the cooling effect that makes an air conditioner operate. Most ACs use standard freon, and we check the levels and add more refrigerant if you’re running low.

Assessing Airflow

When you have inadequate airflow, you won’t get the proper cool air circulation your home deserves. Our Wilmington HVAC service specialists assess airflow by checking elements such as your thermostat and vents to ensure the correct settings and zero vent obstructions.

Cleaning the Blowers and Fans

Keeping your blowers and fans clean can positively impact air circulation, ensuring air moves freely through your vents and ducts. We also evaluate the blower motor to avoid sluggishness that could adversely affect airflow.

Examining the Control Board

The HVAC control board has various functions. Still, the main one is to receive information from your thermostat and unit sensors, decipher the data, and disseminate appropriate messages to different system components. We ensure the control board operates accurately and sends the right signals to the right mechanisms.

Furnace Pre-Season Maintenance Checklist

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, you can save up to 10% of energy with a high-efficiency furnace. When it’s time to increase your home’s internal temperature, pre-season furnace maintenance involves various assessments.

Inspecting Pipes

Furnace intake and exhaust pipes should be 2-3 inches off the ground to avoid dirt, snow, and water buildup. Our team checks inside pipes to safeguard against clogs from debris and ensure free-flowing air.

Assessing the Ignitor Switch

Most updated furnaces are equipped with an electric ignitor switch that lights the furnace and converts fuel into heat. Testing the igniter switch on your furnace will help you avoid any excessive temperature fluctuations. If your ignitor switch is warped or cracked, we can easily replace it.

Cleaning the Exhaust Flue

Your exhaust flue should be cleaned once a year (or during a pre-season HVAC maintenance appointment). We clean the exhaust flue by scrubbing the pipe of dirt and debris buildup, which may require a bit of elbow grease. Additionally, we cut away branches and obstructions that could cause future damage.

According to the Building Efficiency Accelerator, performing AC and furnace pre-season maintenance protects your system from costly repairs, ensures better air quality, decreases the risk of failures, and lowers HVAC energy costs by as much as 40%.

How Is a Pre-Season Tune-Up Different from Seasonal HVAC Maintenance?

Both seasonal maintenance and a pre-season tune-up work like an annual doctor’s visit to ensure your body’s most essential systems are functioning properly and there are no signs of an issue. A licensed HVAC service provider is the pseudo-doctor your unit needs, evaluating valves, coils, drains, etc., on your heating and cooling system to mitigate any potential problems.

The biggest difference between pre-season and seasonal HVAC maintenance is the timing. Pre-season maintenance should be scheduled before the changing weather to guarantee your HVAC system is ready for excessive usage during winter and summer. As a result, you can avoid expensive mid-season failures and help extend the life of your system.

Aire Serv of Wilmington Wants to Keep Your Home Comfortable All Year Long

Whether you hire us to perform pre-season or seasonal HVAC maintenance, your heating and cooling system deserves some TLC. At Aire Serv of Wilmington, you can count on our certified and licensed service experts to help you get the most out of your unit.

Ask about our $59 HVAC tune-up service going on now! Call or schedule your pre-season maintenance appointment today.