If you’ve ever worried about the indoor air quality at your Brockport home, you can call Aire Serv® of Brockport for many air quality services. We can test your air quality as well as install air purifiers, clean out air ducts, and perform a number of other essential services. When your air quality matters, give us a call.
Air Purification Services
For indoor air to be healthy, it has to be pure. When your air isn't pure, we have various ways to clean it for you. One of these methods is to install an air purifier in your home. These can be smaller, portable models, or they can be a whole-house purifier that has to be professionally installed.
Indoor Air Quality Services

We offer customers our air quality testing services as well as helping your air to be filtered and cleaner. We can clean your air ducts and treat them with UV light to kill mold and bacteria. We can also replace your air filters and install a media filter between the blower and the return duct of your HVAC.
Installing and Replacing Air Filters
Air filters are something that many people don’t think much about, but filters can make a big difference in improving your air quality. We can install air filters and replace older ones so that your air is better filtered as it flows through your home. Air filters should be replaced every few months.
Air Quality FAQs
Do you have questions about indoor air quality testing or purifying services? Our FAQs can help you with many of the answers you need. If the site doesn’t answer all your questions, feel free to call us and ask. We’re always happy to help, and we want you to be well-informed.
What is air quality?

Indoor air quality is how clean your indoor air is. Many contaminants can get into the air and make it of poor quality.
Why is indoor air quality important?
Your health is greatly affected by the air you breathe. Contaminated air can make you sick, irritate your lungs, and even give you allergies and headaches.
How to test air quality in your home?
We offer effective air quality testing services so that you can find out exactly what’s in your air. It tests for a number of compounds that can ruin indoor air quality.
How to Improve Indoor Air Quality
One popular method of improving indoor air quality is to install an air purifier that covers the entire home. When you call Aire Serv of Brockport for an appointment, there are many ways that we can professionally help your air quality. Call today!