Keep Your Allergies at Bay with Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

Shot of a young woman blowing her nose with a tissue at home | Aire Serv of Birmingham

Spring allergies can be a nightmare for residents, especially because Birmingham is ranked number 17 for the worst cities in the U.S. for allergies. Itchy eyes, sneezing, and congested breathing are some common symptoms of local seasonal allergies that can make even simple tasks like going outside or working in your garden difficult. But did you know that if you don’t keep up with your AC maintenance this spring, it could worsen your allergies?

A dirty, malfunctioning, or old HVAC system causes air particles to circulate throughout your home, exacerbating annoying allergy symptoms. Don't let the dreaded pollen count sneak its way through cracks and crevices inside! Aire Serv of Birmingham can help you fight off the nasty allergens outside with our helpful spring HVAC maintenance tips so that you can breathe easy all season long.

Why Is HVAC Maintenance Important for Those with Allergies in Springtime?

During the springtime, when the weather is warmer, and flowers begin to bloom, many experience increased allergy symptoms. For those with allergies, proper HVAC maintenance may be the key to preventing further exacerbation of these symptoms. Keeping an HVAC system clean and well-functioning will ensure that dust mites, mold spores, and other allergens are properly filtered out of the air in a home or workspace.

An old or malfunctioning HVAC system may fail to filter out these allergens effectively, leading to a build-up in the air and causing even worse reactions in those with allergies. So for anyone dealing with allergies this spring season in Birmingham, keep your eye on things like the cleanliness of your filters and the age of your HVAC systems for optimal relief from those pesky sneezes.

5 Springtime HVAC Maintenance Tips

1. Clean or Replace Your Air Filter

When the temperature starts warming up, it is important to consider maintaining the air quality inside your home. One of the essential maintenance steps for a healthy home is to ensure your HVAC has a clean air filter. Depending on how frequently you use your HVAC, you might need to clean or replace your filter more often during springtime due to increased pollen. A clogged filter with dust and other pollutants can reduce the effectiveness of your system and can worsen allergies that may already be aggravated this season. It's worth the effort: a clean air filter will help keep the air in your home free of allergens, so take some time today to check yours.

2. Check for Signs of Wear and Tear on Ductwork, Electrical wires, or Other Components

It is important to regularly inspect your HVAC system's ductwork, electrical wiring, and other components to ensure they are in proper working order. This becomes especially critical in the spring when pollen counts soar and allergies tend to flare up. When these components become worn or malfunction, this can cause contaminants to circulate throughout your home, which may lead to further health issues for those suffering from allergies.

Signs of wear and tear on an HVAC system can include the following:

  • Decreased air flow
  • Increased energy usage
  • Unusual noises and rattling sounds
  • Warm or cold spots around the home
  • Rust or other corrosion on the indoor or outdoor unit
  • Damaged electrical connections

Don't wait for something to break down before performing routine maintenance. Keep ahead of any potential problems by checking periodically for signs of wear and tear so you can rest assured that your HVAC system is clean and running efficiently.

3. Have a Technician Inspect Your System for Any Necessary Repairs or Adjustments

Spring is a wonderful time of year, but it might not be so enjoyable if you suffer from allergies. With warm weather, trees and plants also release high pollen levels that can worsen allergy symptoms. To ensure your home is free from environmental allergens, it's recommended to have your air conditioning system regularly maintained. A technician can inspect the system for any necessary repairs or adjustments to keep your allergies under control. You know yourself best; if you've noticed an increase in allergy symptoms when turning on the AC, consider this AC allergy home remedy to help avoid further discomfort and relieve congestion.

4. Ensure Vents Are Clear and Not Blocked by Furniture or Debris.

For those who suffer from allergies in spring, it is especially important to make sure your HVAC vents are free from obstruction. Furniture, debris, and other materials that block your vents can all cause dirt to accumulate within the system, and if left unchecked, this can lead to malfunctioning or an older HVAC system exacerbating allergy symptoms. Make sure you regularly check your vents for any blockages this spring.

5. Ensure Outdoor Components Are Free of Debris, Dirt, and Corrosion

Ensuring the outdoor components of an HVAC system are free of debris, dirt, and corrosion is essential for optimal operation throughout the spring season. Left uncleaned, these everyday environmental elements can lead to malfunctioning in your HVAC system and an excessive accumulation of allergens inside your home or business.

Proper maintenance not only keeps air quality at its peak but can prevent costly repairs down the line due to worn-out, corroded parts and clogged filters that prevent the efficient circulation of fresh air. Careful cleaning also allows the unit to run smoother, providing maximum cooling/heating effectiveness while using less energy. Protect yourself from severe allergy symptoms this spring season by properly maintaining any outdoor components of your HVAC system.

Aire Serv of Birmingham Is Here to Help You Breathe Easier This Spring

With the arrival of spring, having a well-maintained and up-to-date HVAC system is essential for individuals with allergies. To avoid worsened allergy symptoms due to malfunctioning or old equipment, try these tips we mentioned above, including cleaning or replacing your air filter; checking for signs of wear and tear on various components; making sure all vents are clear from furniture or debris; and ensuring any outdoor components like compressors are free from dirt and corrosion.

By following these steps and contacting a reliable residential and commercial HVAC provider such as Aire Serv of Birmingham, you will have the peace of mind that your heating and cooling system is healthy and safe for those around you this spring.

Call us for fast and reliable AC repair, replacement, and installation in Birmingham today!