Aire Serv of Kennewick Air Quality Services

Everyone knows a clean home is a happy home, but there's much more to a clean home than putting away the dishes and vacuuming the carpeting. Just as much as the surfaces of your home should be fresh and clean, so should the quality of your air.

Aire Serv® of Kennewick provides air cleaning solutions and maintenance services to ensure your home's indoor air quality is as high as possible. Clean air throughout every area in the home can be the difference maker in eliminating harmful air particles that may affect keeping everyone in the household healthy.

asv technician greeting the customer

Air Purification Services

The quality of your air is dependent on how pure it is. That purity is important to the health of everyone who breathes it. It’s a good idea to have an air purifier in your home to clean the air. There are small, portable models as well as larger ones that clean the air of the entire home.

Indoor Air Quality Services

We offer many effective air quality testing services to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently. From air purifier and dehumidifier installation to routine air quality testing and maintenance, we'll work with you to combat potential pollutants caused by temperature, humidity, ventilation, or biological contaminants in your home.

Installing and Replacing Air Filters

Another service that we offer is to replace your air filters. Air filters don't often don’t get enough attention. They need to be changed out every few months so that they can keep filtering the air. If you forget to change yours or can’t do so, we'll work with you on regularly scheduled air filter replacement services.

Air Quality FAQs

Below you'll find a general list of air quality-related questions we get the most often, but should you have any lingering questions related to service for your home, just call us, and we'll be happy to help.

What is air quality?

Air quality is the purity of your air. Some homes have poor air quality due to particular contaminants within the air.

With indoor air quality service from Aire Serv, we can test your home's air quality and determine the best solution.

asv technician discussing with the customer

Why is indoor air quality important?

Your indoor air quality is a measure of how clean and healthy your home’s air is. Breathable and safe air is important for everyone in the home, as unclean air often contains contaminants that can irritate the entire respiratory tract.

How to test air quality in your home?

From dust, air, and paint testing, Aire Serve testing solutions look at how pure your air is and evaluate the levels or lack of levels of allergens, mold, radon, and other harmful compounds.

How to improve indoor air quality

From service repairs and routine filter maintenance, there are many ways to regularly improve your home's air quality.

If you'd like to know more about Aire Serve's air quality service solutions near you, just call us to make an appointment.

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